Ballarat Community Health

Region: Grampians

Ballarat Community Health (BCH) is passionate about improving the health and wellbeing of the community. BCH is LGBTIQ Owned and Operated, therefore recognises and celebrates the diversity of the community within practice. BCH is the home to the Ballarat Trans and Gender Diverse Clinic which offers a wide range of gender affirming services and support.  BCH welcomes and works with people of all ages and health status; of all ethnicity; abilities; gender identities; sexual orientations; religious; cultural and linguistic backgrounds and financial status.

Ballarat Community Health is working in partnership with Your Community HealthAustin Health and Thorne Harbour Health.

Ballarat Community Health will provide a first-class care with their gender affirmative healthcare services at their Gender clinic (The Ballarat Trans and Gender Diverse Clinic) and it all starts with making an appointment with one of their peer navigators. A peer navigator is a person with lived experience who also has the professional skills to support you to create pathways to affirm your gender and access health services depending on your personal needs, goals and where you are located.

Ballarat Trans and Gender Diverse Clinic and Ballarat Community Health promote general health and well-being in the community that is affordable and offer a number of services that can be accessed via telehealth or on site.

Located City of Ballarat.